🔗Connect Wallet to Vanar Chain

Blockchain wallets enable you to have an account on Vanar chain. They allow you to manage your own assets and perform blockchain actions via the use of keys which only you have access to.

Supported Wallets

Currently, any EVM-based wallet that allows you to configure Vanar chain as a custom RPC network.

Compatible wallets:

  • Metamask

  • Coinbase

  • Brave

  • Walletconnect

Account Abstracted Wallets

Projects may choose to employ ERC-4337account abstraction EIP. This allows projects to deploy a wallet on the users behalf, abstracting away private keys and pass phrases from the users. This allows access to wallets using traditional authentication like social sign-on or username/email and password, removing friction associated with Web3 dApps. The follow projects are supporting Vanar chain to provide such services for users and projects to make web 3 on-boarding as simple as possible:

More partners are coming soon.